School of Art Studio Core Program
ART 112 (2-D Design) 75982
Fall 2010 T/TH. 7:40- 10:30am. Art Main 232
Instructor: Matthew Garcia. Office hours for 2D: T-TH/10:40-11:30/Tower 105
Course Description
This course provides a foundation in the fundamentals of pictorial design. In a sequence of hands-on exercises and projects, you'll be introduced to the concept of the picture plane, figure/ground relationships, scale and proportional transformation, patterning, composition, value, color, methods for conveying time, and spatial illusion. Using a wide variety of materials and methods--including the computer--you're encouraged to develop your own design vocabulary and repertoire of practical techniques. In addition to introducing formal design strategies, the course emphasizes content issues and the historical and cultural context in which works of art are produced. Regular slide lectures and critiques are structured informally to encourage dialogue and to provide you and your colleagues with an opportunity to translate visual evidence into words. Beyond the concepts and skills "essential to good design practice, it is hoped that the course will open a window towards self-expression and awareness.
(Required) The ArtCore Website:
(Required) Launching the Imagination, Mary Stewart, McGraw Hill, 2003
(Required) Class Blog-
(Optional) Design Basics, David A. Lauer, Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, Publisher, 5th Edition, 2000. (note: the textbooks are available in the bookstores for about sixty bucks. They are also on Reserve at the Main Library. Other readings to be assigned.)
Course Requirements
During the whole of the semester, each student will be expected to participate fully in the life of the Design Studio. In addition to the completion of assigned projects on time, this means regular attendance, a sense of studio etiquette, and participation in class discussion and critiques. A three-ring notebook is to be kept of all handouts, sketches, ideas, notes etc. It should be filled with "Biology Paper" (available in the Bookstore) for drawing and notes. Your notebook will be a running record of your involvement in the class.
Attendance Policy
3 unexcused absences = one letter grade drop from final grade
3 partial attendance (late arrivals and/or early class departures) = 1 absence
7 or more unexcused absences will result in failing the class
Arriving more than 15 minutes after attendance has been taken and/or
Departing more than 30 minutes early from class will result in a partial attendance for that day.
Any additional excused absences MUST be accompanied by a note from doctors, student services, or other evidence that demonstrates the need to miss additional classes. More than 3 unexcused absences will result in a final grade reduction, and more than 7 unexcused absences will result in failure of the class. Every effort will be made to accommodate extenuating circumstances when necessary.
Special Accommodations -Any student needing a special course-related accommodation due to a physical and/or learning impairment must bring this to the attention of the instructor with appropriate documentation within the first week of class so that learning needs can be addressed effectively. Students must contact the ASU Disability Resource Center (
Academic Dishonesty All necessary and appropriate sanctions will be issued to all parties involved with plagiarizing any and all course work. Plagiarism and any other form of academic dishonesty that is in violation with the Student Code of Conduct will not be tolerated. For further info see the following: HYPERLINK ""
E-Mail - It is required that all students activate their ASU email accounts. No other email accounts will be used to communicate electronically with students. You can link your ASU account to your personal account if you choose to do so.
Safety Procedures /Health and Safety Module
It is now required that all 100 level classes pass a Health and Safety Module. To begin, you must enroll in the new Blackboard 9 website. A “task” will be send to your myasu account, follow the prompts to self enroll; proceed with watching the video and take the related quiz. You must pass with an 80% to receive credit. You must repeat the test in additional CORE classes until you receive a 100%. When you achieve a 100% you will be exempt for taking the quiz again and instructed on how to take a screen capture to maintain a record of your accomplishment. Please not that this in an introduction to safety at ASU and other training sessions will be required in upper division classes as necessary to the studio you will be working in under faculty supervision. So, even though some of the material covered in this module may not seem immediately important it WILL become important as you matriculate though your BFA program. If you do not take the test, or pass the test by August 31 you will receive a notice of potential class failure in the first Academic Status Report, September 16-23. In order for you to access the test after August 31 you must make an appointment with me during my office hours. The test will be worth 5% of your final grade. (whether they achieve 80% or 100%)
Student Code of Conduct and Student Disciplinary Procedures
The ABOR Student Code of Conduct is designed to promote and protect an environment that encourages reasoned discourse, intellectual honesty, openness to constructive change and respect for the rights of all individuals. In keeping with this mission, the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities staff seeks to balance the rights and needs of the individual with responsibility of the individual to meet the needs of the community. In addition, it reviews allegations of student misconduct, determines whether a violation has occurred and if applicable, imposes appropriate sanctions. Students are expected to adhere to the ABOR Student Code of Conduct. Student Rights and Responsibilities:
Classroom Code of Conduct
* You are expected to behave in a responsible manner that allows everyone in the classroom access to resources and learning. Behavior that disrupts classroom learning will not be tolerated. If your actions are disrespectful to the Instructor or to other students, you will be asked to leave and counted absent
* Cell phone and PDA use is prohibited during class unless the Instructor is informed of a pending emergency at the beginning class. These units should be muted or set to vibrate.
* Access to the Internet is permitted ONLY when it is related to the class material.
* Respect should be given at all times to the Instructor, classmates and your working environment. This includes appropriate behavior, language, and use of classroom resources.
* Safety is primary concern for all students to work effectively. You must follow all the safety procedures and guidelines posted in the studio you are working.
* Dressing appropriately for the studio activity that you are engaging in is another important safety factor. This may include no food/drink, open toe shoes, excessively exposing clothing, dangling jewelry, and/or tying hair back.
* At all time you must you’re the equipment in the studio in the manner is was intended for use and per the instructions of your Instructor.
Promote an interdisciplinary focus on building a studio practice rather than segregating processes and materials. Discourage overtly personal materials in sketchbook.
Obtaining an ASURITE Computer Account at ASU
For this class you are required to have an ASURITE account because some projects and images will be password protected. You can use any type of computer (Mac, PC, UNIX) that has an Internet browser installed (such as Netscape or Microsoft Explorer).
Getting an ASURITE "userID" is all self-service. There is a special terminal set aside just for creating new accounts and adding new services. Go to the Computing Commons (about a block East of the MU). Look for the specially marked terminal on the First Floor, on the left next to the Computer store. Sit down and subscribe! The process takes about 15 minutes and your account will be ready to use in half an hour. If you have problems, the computing site staff will be happy to assist.
For more info, go to:
Available in the Main Art Building. Locker are first come first serve. Bring your own lock.
Completing all of the assigned projects on time with a reasonable degree of craftsmanship and care, and regular attendance is the minimum expectation. I allow you to "re-do" any project without penalty for a higher grade--as long as you turn the work in on time and show your best effort. Your final grade for the course will be heavily influenced by the quality of documentation you provide in your notebook. This documentation, to be organized around the sequence of assignments, may take the form of drawings, photographs, computer printouts, or other media. Top grades will be awarded for a combination of design excellence, conceptual depth, intelligent participation in discussion, and, most importantly, individual improvement. Any unexcused absence will seriously affect your grade. Late assignment will accepted at a letter grade deduction.
Supply Houses
Local supply houses can be found at the following URL:
Course Projects
8 graded art projects + critique
80 possible points
12 in class notebook exercises
10 points
1 presentation
5 points
Heath/Safety Module
5 points
100 point
Grading Rubric for art projects
Total 10 points
Materials List
(This is a sample list. Your instructor may require slightly different materials)
Metal straight edge (12-18")
#11 Ex-acto knife and blades
Graphite pencils (2B and 4H minimum)
Prismacolor pencils
Ultramarine blue #902
Lemon yellow #915
Crimson red #924
White #938
Black #935
Pencil sharpener
Erasers (white plastic, hard pink)
1 technical ink pen--sizes .25 - .5 will do. Disposable pens are fine.
Masking tape ("drafting" tape that won't pull off paper)
Protractor with degrees
Watercolor brushes (synthetic white sable- approx. $16.00)
Rounds: #5
Flats: 1/2"
White palette or mixing tray (small).
Cold pressed illustration board, 15 x 20" (available at art stores, pre-cut, 2 to package)
Tracing paper (roll, 16 - 18" wide)
Water container. No glass please.
Portfolio for carrying 2-D work (17 x 22 min.) and a box for materials.
Glue stick
Gouache (opaque watercolor)
Ivory Black
Zinc White
Brush cleaner or mild soap.
Three ring notebook with 8 1/2 x 11" "biology" paper for notes, thumbnail sketches, collages.
Tackle box (to carry your supplies)
3ft4ft foam core board
Stencil Letters (ace hardware)
Important Dates (Fall 2010)
August 19 Classes Begin
August 25 Add/Drop Deadline
September 6 Labor Day Observed
September 8 University 21st Day
September 16-23 Academic Status Report (Early Warning)
November 3 Course Withdrawal Deadline
November 11 Veterans Day Observed
November 25-26 Thanksgiving Holiday Observed
December 7 Complete Withdrawal Deadline, in person or online
Last Day of Classes
December 8 Reading Day
December 9-15 Final Exams
December 13-20 Final Grades Due