UNIT VIII: Value/Color
READING Page 43-54 (defining color, color schemes) and 58-62(color,emotion, expression)
To introduce the concepts of "value "'value relationships," "color," and "color relationships," as related to the two-dimensional picture plane.
This is to be seen as a basic introduction--not as competition for ART 113 ('Color). Color is a wild card that can lead to both wonderfully personal projects or complete frustration. A few basic hints and some vocabulary will help sort out own relationship to color--and help in refining the language used in critiques.
Vocabulary/Concepts: VALUE: middle gray, tint, shade, value scale, value contrast, achromatic grays, chromatic grays, high key, low key, chiarascuro; COLOR: hue, color wheel, primary' color, secondary color, teritary color, intensity (chroma, saturation), simultaneous contrast, afterimage, optical mixing, COLOR SCHEMES: cool vs. warm, monochromatic, analogous, complementary, triadic, split complementary
READING Page 43-54 (defining color, color schemes) and 58-62(color,emotion, expression)