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    Call to Artists for Participation - ASU Art Museum - Please Forward

    Reminder ZOMBIE/ VAMPIRE / MAKE-UP ARTIST info sessions all day Thursday Oct 15th and Friday Oct 16th.

    WANTED: Artist Jillian Mcdonald seeks actors and makeup artists for vampire and zombie video – no experience necessary!

    Jillian Mcdonald, Social Studies artist-in-residence at ASU Art Museum seeks participants in a video for a November exhibit at ASU. Interested parties will attend an information session and informal audition, rehearsals, and be videotaped together in the desert. Info sessions are Thursday Oct 15th at 10:30a.m. and 11a.m., and Friday Oct 16th at 2p.m. and 3:30p.m.. Filming will take place Oct 31st and Nov 1st.

    If you wish to participate but cannot make it at these times feel free to request an alternate time slot, we are very flexible! The information session and rehearsal will be held in the project's gallery at ASU Art Museum. No acting experience or knowledge of vampires and zombies necessary. There is no cost to be a participant in the project!

    Also seeking enthusiastic makeup artists - with or without experience. Makeup artists will come to an information meeting and workshops on Oct 15th at 2p.m. and Oct 16th and 23rd at 11a.m.. These meetings will also be held in the project's gallery in ASU Art Museum. Makeup for the video will be done at the museum on the Oct 31 and Nov 1. There is no cost to participate, and makeup will be provided.
    Zombies may also, if interested, participate in a further performance on the Light Rail in early November. Watch for more information on this coming soon. Contact Jillian Mcdonald, info below, to receive notifications.

    Please sign up with Jillian directly if you are interested in participating in the project at 917.443.8107 or jmcdonald@jillianmcdonald.net – she will also answer any questions or concerns. Interested parties who cannot make the scheduled dates, please inquire about alternative times.


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