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    Video + Text - Motion Portraits
    Due April 30th

    Technical Objectives: To gain an understanding of video capture and typography with motion. Students will create a 20-30 second motion self-portrait utilizing at least 5 different video shots/scenes and moving text. The project will be completed using DSLR cameras in class, personal iPhone video capture and Premiere Pro or After Effect for editing/post production. 

    Conceptual: To introduce the element of the digital self through the use of video capture and motion graphic. Each student will identify five positive characteristics about themselves to reflect in the project through text and action. Each characteristics will be coordinated to 5 different video capture shots (long shot, detail shot, birds eye, medium shot, close up).  The five shot with moving text will be edited together to create a 30-60 video piece. 

    Overview: Your challenge is to create 20 - 30 second video piece that explores your digital self through video capture, visual codes and typography. Students should pay special attention to the rhythm and timing of this piece. 

    List of camera shots - here
    Text with Premier Pro - here
    Text with Premier Pro2 -here
    Aftereffect with text - here
    After effect with mark-marking -  here and here

    Mark-making example with video - here
    Typography+video - here

    Step 1: Identify five characteristics
    Step 2: Identify five cinematic shots for your project
    Step 3: Story board the five scenes paying special attention to text
    Step 4: Shoot video portrait / five video scenes - shots due by April 16th
    Step 5: In Premier Pro or after effect edit five video scenes with text.
    Step 6: Export h264 video for critique due April 30th


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